
会计出国留学|2015年10月09日 13:36
作为一个专致于科学的大学,帝国理工大学在英国享有和麻省理工在美国所享有的声誉,其研究水平被公认为在英国大学三甲之列。拥有大约2800名研究人员,其中53名为皇家院士(Fellow of Royal Society),57名为皇家工程学院院士(Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering)。同时帝国学院过去的成员中,有16个诺贝尔奖和2个费尔兹奖得主。下面

  作为一个专致于科学的大学,帝国理工大学在英国享有和麻省理工在美国所享有的声誉,其研究水平被公认为在英国大学三甲之列。拥有大约2800名研究人员,其中53名为皇家院士(Fellow of Royal Society),57名为皇家工程学院院士(Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering)。同时帝国学院过去的成员中,有16个诺贝尔奖和2个费尔兹奖得主。下面来看一下英国帝国理工大学金融会计硕士项目申请介绍。

  帝国理工大学MSc in Finance & Accounting项目简介

  1. 该项目为期一年,是专为商科背景想要进入金融领域的学生设计的

  2. 学生可以根据自己未来的职业方向及需求来选择非常丰富的选修课程

  3. 学生有机会使用各种软件:DataStream, MatLab等

  4. 课程设置:


  Corporate Finance, Mathematics for Finance, Financial Econometrics, Investments and Portfolio Management, Advanced Financial Accounting and Valuation, Management Accounting and Corporate Strategy


  Banking, Behavioral Investment Management, Cases in Finance and Investments, Corporate Law and Corporate Tax Strategy, Financial Crises, Enterprise Risk Management, Hedge Funds, International Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity and Entrepreneurial Finance, Structured Credit and Equity Products

  5. 学生在毕业前需完成1万字的研究论文或者是3千字的金融研究论文


  1. GPA3.5+, 雅思7 (单项6.5),GMAT680+ or GRE 320+

  2. 该项目需要申请者有优秀的概率学,微积分,矩阵代数以及实分析的基础

  3. 该项目对于中国学生要求211或者985的毕业生

  4. 希望申请者有相关的工作或者实习经历

  5. 申请者需回答4个关于自己职业规划的问题(不超过200字)

  Please describe your short term (3 years) career goals.

  Please outline the challenges you think you will face in achieving these short term career goals and how you will overcome them.

  Please describe your lone term career goals or, if there are not clear, please outline the roles and industry sectors that are of particular interest to you and why

  What skills do you think are important in the career that interests you, how would you demonstrate that you have been developing these skills so far.



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